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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:58  来源:不详
should include Mrs. Shelby and so on. Generally speaking, they believe in Christianity. But once their interests are encroached, for example, Mrs. Shelby would lose family fortune if she does not sell the two slaves. Taking herself into consideration, Mrs. Shelby had to change her mind though she was unwilling to. In her habit, she was a living impersonation of order, method, and exactness. At first, she disdains Tospy a bit and she still has the racial superiority at the bottom of her heart. Through a series of contacts, they become friends. George Qimbo and Sambo should belong to half—Christians. George is a slave and lives a suffering life. He rebels until his families’ reunion in Canada. He becomes a Christian bit by bit. As Qimbo and Sambo finally plead God to forgive.
 The characters analyzed in the paper are all related to Christianity, no matter which kind of Christian he (she) belongs to. So we can conclude that the characters of the novel analyzed here are soaked with spirit of Christianity.

Since time immemorial, Christianity is an eternal subject and an essential part of western culture and art. There is no exception to Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Though humanism and motherly love are also the main points of sentimentality of this novel, Christianity is still the main point that Mrs. Stowe uses in her narrative to drive the injustice of slavery across to the people.


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