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教宗 圣斯德望的殉道是…

时间:2010-4-26 11:14:25  来源:不详



After having published a brief history of the Catholic Church in Korea, in 25 instalments in the CBCK Newsletter, we are pleased to present to our readers the brief stories of the lives of the 103 Korean Martyr Saints, who were canonized by Pope John Paul II at the ceremony of canonization that took place May 6, 1984, in Yoido Plaza, Seoul, Korea.

As Pope John Paul II said it from the thirteen-year-old Peter Yu Tae-chol to the seventy-two-year-old Mark Chong, men and women, clergy and laity, rich and poor, ordinary people and nobles-many of them descendants of earlier unsung martyrs-they all gladly died for the sake of Christ.

"The Korean Martyr Saints have borne witness to the crucified and risen Christ. Through the sacrifice of their own lives, they have become like Christ. 'Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the reign of heaven'(Mt. 5:10). The truth of these words of our Saviour, the truth of the Beatitudes, is manifested in the heroic witness of the Korean Martyrs,” Pope John Paul II said.

As an introduction to the stories of the individual Korean martyr Saints we present here the “Brief Resume of the Lives of the 103 Korean Martyr Saints” that was presented at the ceremony of their canonization.

"God, who desired the salvation of all peoples, planted the seeds of the Catholic Faith in Korea, in a remarkable manner and caused them to blossom. The Christian community first began to take shape when Yi Sung-hun started to study Christian doctrine by himself and was eventually baptized and given the name Peter in 1784. In the beginning, because of their belief in God,

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