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时间:2009-7-24 13:44:28  来源:不详

  摘 要: 汉武帝开凿昆池,给西汉首都长安城郊的自然环境尤其是水文环境带来了深远影响:首先是昆明池以面积300余顷的人工湖面为主景,改善了自身及周边的生态环境;其次为保障昆明池安全蓄水,对其上游的氵高诸水进行了大规模的人工整理,使它们改道西流入沣,形成了新的河流——交水,改变了长安城南郊的水环境;第三为供应汉长安城内外各宫殿园林区的用水,昆明池下游开凿了三条人工水渠通过氵穴水及其支渠向长安供水。

  关键词: 汉昆明池; 长安城郊; 水环境; 交水

 Abstract: The Kunming Pond, which was dug by Emperor of Wu in the Han Dynasty, brought about profound effects on the physical environment, especially the hydrographic environment, around the town of Chang'an. First of all, with an area of more than three hundred qing, the Kunming Pond as an artificial lake improved the ecological surroundings of the lake itself and areas around it. Next, To guarantee a secure water supply for the pond, the upper reaches, including the Jue River and the Hao River, were reconstructed artificially in large scale, making them change the course westwards into the Feng River, shaping the Jiao, a new river, which bettered the hydrographic environment in southern Chang'an. Finally, three ditches were dug in the lower reaches of the pond to supply water for palaces and gardens inside and outside Chang'an by way of the Xue River.

   Key Words: the Kunming Pond in the Han Dynasty; suburban areas of the town of Chang'an; hydrographic environment; the Jiao River
  一、 汉武帝兴修昆明池及其人工环境

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