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The Name of China and
The Sogdian Paintings
Cosmopolitanism of th
Remarks on the Sogdian Religious Iconography in 7th Century Samarkand

时间:2009-7-24 13:48:29  来源:不详
d in the Chinese sources. However, it is not possible to deny that inside the temple there could have been also images of the gods to whom the animal sacrifices were destined. As already observed above, the fragments of the part of the painting with the temple show the feets of four people (fig. 1–2). According to Marshak the three people inside the building should be considered keepers of the temple or priests and the one just outside the temple clad in harmour should be considered a soldier. However, they could even be considered representations of the gods, most likely statues or even paintings. Just the textile decorations typically Iranian of the four people of the temple (the so–called “pearl roundels”) could constitute the key for the identification of these divinities. As it was already attempted to demonstrate by this writer in another study, the iconography chosen to fill the decorative roundels on some textiles recovered at Turfan (repeated practically identical in the Sogdian paintings) could have had some links with its employement in a funerary context. In fact, the preference accorded in those cemeteries to the winged horse decoration could have alluded to the fact that the pegasus was considered a psychopomp for the ancient population of Turfan (in part also Sogdian) such as for the “Indo–Europeans” people in general (Compareti, 2003: 36). The same hipothesis could be considered true for proper Sogdiana where, in the part of the painting of the southern wall considered here, the figure wearing a cloth embellished with pearl roundels containing birds could have been just Zurvan, while the one with a robe embellished with winged horses could have been Mithra. The subject inside the pearl roundels of the third figure from the right has desappeared but the last one clad in armour should be identified with Vaishravana. On these bases, then, the third figure could be identified with Adbagh or with Weshparkar and, consequently, the pearl roundels on his rob

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