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The Name of China and
The Sogdian Paintings
Cosmopolitanism of th
Remarks on the Sogdian Religious Iconography in 7th Century Samarkand

时间:2009-7-24 13:48:29  来源:不详
indiani nell’arte della Sogdiana e il ramo marittimo della “Via della Seta”, Tesi di dottorato di ricerca in “Turchia, Iran, Asia Centrale” I° ciclo nuova serie, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, 2002–2003. See also: Humbach, 1975; Grenet, 1995/96: 277–278.

[5] Consequently, the vahana of Weshparkar was the bull since the animal of Shiva was the bull Nandi and the vehicle of Ahura Mazda–Adbagh was the elephant. According to this new interpretation, the god with the trishula sitting on three bulls represented on a Sogdian sarcophagus excavated in the region of Xi’an could be identified with Weshparkar: Yang, 2004: fig. 3. In the same way, the god sitting on a white elephant fighting with monstruous animals in the paintings at Varakhsha could be Ahura Mazda–Adbagh: Shishkin, 1963: pls. I–XI.

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