road, as many roads, as roads for traveling souls."…
2.2.3, In the field of art
In art, the opening of the symposium's Beat film festival features an eerie, disorienting, black-and-white film by Jonas Mekas, Guns of the Trees, which tells a fragmented tale of disaffected youth in a bleak Cold War world. Mekas arrived in the United States from Eastern Europe in the 50s, virtually penniless. He slept on floors and ate when he could as he scraped together the resources to make his movie. Mekas remarks that the Beats never knew they were a movement, they just knew they had a lot of friends who were artists. They shared their work and the excitement of their flourishing creativity.
The film Naked Lunch which described a writer who was addicted in writing and drugs, couldn’t distinguish the real and unreal world, the whole film with a surreal skill recorded the hallucinatory world after taking addictive drugs, full of a lot of symbol metaphors and odd sexual hints.
Also a song was sung like this:
“When you cast your eyes upon the skylines
Of this once proud nation
Can you sense the fear and the hatred
Growing in the hearts of it’s population
And our youth, oh youth, are being seduced
By the greedy hands of politics and half truths
The beaten generation, the beaten generation
Reared on a diet of prejudice and mis-information
The beaten generation, the beaten generation
Open your eyes, open your imagination
We’re being sedated by the gasoline fumes
And hypnotized by the satellites
Into believing what is good and what is right
You may be worshipping the temples of mammon
Or lost in the prisons of religion
But can you still walk back to happiness
When you’ve nowhere left to run?
And if they send in the special police
To deliver us from liberty and keep us from peace
Then won’t the words sit ill upon their tongues
When they tell us justice is being done
And that freedom lives in the barrels of a warm gun”
(Mind Bomb)[7]
3. “The Beats” but not down
3.1, the difference between “the Beat generation” and “the Lost Generation”
It is already being compared to that other postwar generation, which dubbed itself 'lost'. The Roaring Twenties, and the generation that made them roar, are going through a sentimental revival, and the comparison is valuable. The Lost Generation was discovered in a roadster, laughing hysterically because nothing meant anything anymore. It migrated to Europe, unsure whether it was looking for the 'orgiastic future' or escaping from the 'puritanical past.' Its symbols were the flapper, the flask of bootleg whiskey, and an attitude of desperate frivolity best expressed by the line: 'Tennis, anyone?' It was caught up in the romance of disillusionment, until even that became an illusion. Every act in its drama of lost ness was a tragic or ironic third act, and T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land was more than the dead-end statement of a perceptive poet. The pervading atmosphere of that poem was an almost objectless sense of loss, through which the reader felt immediately that the cohesion of things had disappeared. It was, for an entire generation, an image which expressed, with dreadful accuracy, its own spiritual condition. "
But the wild boys of today are not lost. They weren’t reluctant to the valueless things of the mainstream of morality, they were addicted in seeing pleasure and making merry, they experienced sorts of degenerate life with curiosity but no destroy. The only thing that could make them believe was the first-hand experience and then the stimulated thought, their minds were distillated in the free body, brought people the courage facing reality.[8]Their flushed, often scoffing, always intent faces elude the word, and it would sound phony to them. For this generation lacks that eloquent air of bereavement which made so many of the exploits of the Lost Generation symbolic actions. Furthermore, the repeated inventory of shattered ideals, and the laments about the mud in moral currents, which so obsessed the Lost Generation, does not concern young people today. They take these things frighteningly for granted. They were brought up in these ruins and no longer notice them. They drink to 'come down' or to 'get high,' not to illustrate anything. Their excursions into drugs or promiscuity come out of curiosity, not disillusionment.
Only the most bitter among them would call their reality a nightmare and protest that they have indeed lost something, the future. For e
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