it right.' The variety and the extremity of their solutions are only a final indication that for today's young people there is not as yet a single external pivot around which they can, as a generation, group their observations and their aspirations. There is no single philosophy, no single party, and no single attitude. The failure of most orthodox moral and social concepts to reflect fully the life they have known is probably the reason for this, but because of it each person becomes a walking, self-contained unit, compelled to meet, or at least endure, the problem of being young in a seemingly helpless world in his own way. More than anything else, this is what is responsible for this generation's reluctance to name itself, its reluctance to discuss itself as a group, sometimes its reluctance to be itself. For invented gods invariably disappoint those who worship them. Only the need for them goes on, and it is this need, exhausting one object after another, which projects the Beat Generation forward into the future and will one day deprive it of its beatness. 4. Conclusion What could we think of these beats? Strictly speaking, they had never done anything with violence, resent and cruelty; they didn’t endanger the public, weren’t the anti-society, or opposed the social values invariably; they just resisted the conservative views which suppressed individuality, trampled on human nature.[12] Indeed, they despised the authority, they behaved extremely, but in their heart, they were concerned about the faith and the pursuit much more than others, they were sensitive, got hurt easily, couldn’t stand the depressed and constrained atmosphere so as to begin to oppose the mainstream at last.[13] In fact, they weren’t beaten down; they just insisted on pursuing the ultimate meaning of human nature. It is essentially a spiritual crisis, an age’s view of values shock a generation. People live hard, and they can’t change the reality, only with an extreme behavior to go on a spiritual exploration, constantly set up a new faith and values in this lost-faith age. Those generations, who are special and present irrelevancy, are assets and bear watching. Bibliography [1] 肖明翰. 垮掉的一代的反叛与探索[J]. 二十世纪文学,P26 [2] 苏新连. 金斯伯格现象与美国二十世纪五六十年代情绪[J]. 西南交通大学学报. 2003年9月.第四卷第5期.P57 [3] 同[5]P57 [4] 杰克.凯鲁亚克. 在路上[M]. 桂林:漓江出版社. 1998.P413-422 [5] http://www.people.virginia.edu/~jng2d/enlt255/texts/howl/howl.htm [6] 周凌风, “垮掉一代”精神探源[J], 红河学院学报, 2005年2月, 第三卷.第1期, P57 [7] http://www.chinese.lyricshk.com/t/the_-the/Mind_Bomb/The_Beat_Generation.html [8] 同[5]P58 [9] 同[1]P27 [10] 同[1]P30 [11] 贺莉.徐伟. 国内“垮掉的一代”文学研究综述[J]. 连云港师范高等专科学校学报. 2003年2月第4期.P5-6 [12] 同[1]P27 [13] 同[1]P31
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