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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:59  来源:不详

[Abstract] Scarlet O’Hara is the heroine of Gone with the Wind, written by the famous American female writer-- Margaret Mitchell. As her name suggests, she is a wild and strong-willed lady. She is not only charming and attractive in her appearance but also in her personality: she is a strong willed, indomitable, hard working and masculine lady of the western people. However, she is an individualist, in other words, she is a self-centered woman. She never cares about the feelings of others. To the men, she is an independent lady, she never depends on them; to the children, she is not a good mother, instead, she is Satan to them; and she has no female friends. She used to be the apple of Tara, she needs to pay no attention to the life, however, the war urges her to grow up and become mature. In a word, Scarlet O’Hara is a representative of the westerners of the South America during the wartime. Dong Xinbi is the heroine of New Beauty in the Turbulent World, which is written by the famous Chinese female writer, Huang Beijia. As her name indicates, Dong Xinbi is a delicate lady of the Southern China. She is a beautiful, strong minded, clever, hard working woman. However, she is dependent on men and cares others’ attitude towards her. To men, she is dependent on them and never say no to them; to the family, she is the angel of the family and takes good care of the children; and she has a lot of friends. The war changes her from an elegant lady to a strong woman. She is a typical Chinese woman.
[Key words] Scarlet O’Hara; Dong Xinbi; comparison


[摘 要]  斯佳丽是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的代表作《乱世佳人》中的女主人公。正如斯佳丽的名字所暗含的意思,她具有顽强的生命力,即使身处逆境但仍对生活充满希望。人美性格更美,斯佳丽是一位个性坚毅,人格独立,勤劳能干的具有男性特征的西方丽人.同时,斯佳丽也是一位个人主义分子。对她来说,最重要的人莫过于她自己了。对男人来说,她是一位独立的女性,从不依附他们,甚至,她比一般的男性还要坚强;而对于孩子们来说,斯佳丽是撒旦的化身.她不是一位好妈妈,对他们她没有丝毫的耐心,她从未关心过他们。即使斯佳丽后来也意识到这一点,但是她从未考虑过如何改善她与孩子们之间的关系;同时,由于斯佳丽对男人的极强占有欲和她的特例独行,她几乎没有女性朋友。总而言之,斯佳丽是一位典型的美国内战时期的西方女性。董心碧是我国著名女作家黄蓓佳《新乱世佳人》中的女主人公。有别于斯佳丽这一战争中走出来的西方女性,董心碧虽然也是成熟于战争之中,但是她却是一位传统的中国女性。她容貌秀丽,性格坚强,聪明伶俐,勤劳能干。然而,如同传统的中国女性,董心碧依附于男人而生存,而且在意他人的看法。心碧是男人心目中完美妻子的代表;对于孩子来说,心碧是世界上最好的母亲;而心碧又极会做人,与其他的女性相处和睦。总的来说,董心碧是一位典型的中国式的贤妻良母,是完美的传统中国女性的代表。
[关键词]  斯佳丽;董心碧;对比

1. Introduction
Scarlet O’Hara is the heroine of Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, a renowned American female writer in the South. She was born on Nov. 8, 1900 in Atlanta to a family with ancestry nearly the same as the O’Hara family of the Gone with the Wind: Margaret Mitchell’s grandmother, Annie Stephen, experienced the Civil War very much——– She moved to Atlanta during the Civil War and got married there; her father, Eugene Muse Mitchell, an Atlanta attorney, descended from Scotch-Irish and French Huguenots; Margaret Mitchell’s mother, Mary Isabelle, a typical feminist, gave lectures about feminism among the public quite often; the family included many soldiers members who had fought in the American Revolution, Irish uprisings and rebellions and the Civil War. So there is no doubt that Margaret Mitchell was so familiar with the backgrounds of the Civil War and that is why she could create such a lifelike and vivid figure—Scarlet O’Hara.
Gone with the Wind, as the title suggests, has something to do with the winds. And it is well known that there are two kinds of winds in the world: “the wind which blows away from the without and the winds from the within. Winds from the without, over which people have little control, may include adversity, war, pestilence, famine, calamity and misfortune. People have little control over these winds. Winds from the within, over which people may have control, can include passion, enmity, strife, malice, factions and jealousies.” [1] The heroine of Gone with the Wind, Scarlet O’Hara, a strong and rebellious representative western woman of the South America, can stand the test of “wind” and never be gone with the “wind”.
Dong Xinbi is the heroine of New Beauty in the Turbulent World by Huang Beijia, a famous Chinese female writer, who was born in Jiangsu Province, China, in 1955. She is good at observing women and unearthing their inner worlds. Different from other female writers, Huang Beijia usually excavates women’s subtle feeling from a poetic perspective. Through the characters’ words, their activities and their surroundings, Huang Beijia leads the readers to sense the character in their own shoes. At the same time, Huang Beijia is a strong willed lady who enjoys a relaxing psychology. Her writing style is natural and fresh which attracts many readers’ attention.
One of the popular translation of Gone with the Wind in Chinese is《乱世佳人》(Beauty in the Turbulent World) and Huang Beijia entitles her work New Beauty in the Turbulent World《新乱世佳人》. From the titles we can draw a hint that there must be something in common in these two wor

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