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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:59  来源:不详
are pretty, strong minded and hard working.
 Scarlet O’Hara is the representative of the Southerners after the Civil War—hard working and independent. She is an outstanding woman that full of energy, who can overcome all the challenges from life; moreover, she can take care of her family without a man. In a word, she is a “type of ruthless entrepreneur which Northerners have met in their own life.” [30]
Dong Xinbi is the representative of the traditional Chinese women. She shows an excellent ability of changing with the times. And she is clever and knows what to do al the time. She believes that everything will go well and nothing is difficult. She is “not a woman of inferior sex but the embodiment of genuineness, kindness and beauty.” [31]
This paper helps me to know better of Margaret Mitchell and Huang Beijia, and their works. What is more, through writing the paper, I have a better understanding of the characters.

[1] 刘小勇. 斯佳丽·奥哈啦一位日益成熟的南方女性[D]. 黄石:湖北师范大学, 2003,p29
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[3] 同[2] p1250
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[5] 玛格丽特·米切尔. 乱世佳人[M]. 上海: 兴国图书出版公司, 2004,p3
[6] 同[5] p3
[7] 同[5] p3
[8] 同[5] p3
[9] 黄蓓佳. 新乱世佳人 [M]. 南京: 江苏文艺出版社,1997,p13
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[12] 引自李银河. 女性权力的崛起 [M]. 北京: 文化艺术出版社,2003,p105
[13] 同[12] p335
[14] 同[9] p12
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[16] 同[5] p610
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[21] 同[5] p357
[22] 同[5] p357
[23] 李银河. 女性权力的崛起 [M]. 北京: 文化艺术出版社,1997,p89
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[27] 同[18] p201
[28] 同[5] p660
[29] 同[9] p625-626
[30] 同[1] p46
[31] 乔以钢. 中国女性的文学世界 [M]. 武汉: 湖北教育出版社,1993,p51

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