omen and on society. For example, Elizabeth Powers, in her article "A Farewell to Feminism", writes about the effects of legalization of contraception and the invention of birth control pill on women. " “The pill" seemed to have solved the problem for which the "movement for women emancipation" fought for so long: "freedom from constant reproduction" . But the negative effect of the pill was that men felt that they had no responsibility for their offspring: "With the pill, this responsibility was taken from them overnight".
谈到某一确定的点,女权主义对社会的影响[注: 影响(之一)yǐngxiǎng【work in concert with;support by coordinated action】∶呼应;策应内外影响,同恶相成。]肯定是积极的。但在另一方面,女权主义运动,特别是其第三次浪潮的女权主义运动,对妇女和社会产生了意想不到的负面效果。比如,波尔斯在他的文章“告别女权主义”中写到避孕立法和避孕药丸的使用对妇女产生的影响: “‘这个药丸’似乎解决了妇女解放运动曾经长期为之斗争的‘从不断生育中解放’的问题。但这药丸的负面影响是男子感到对他们的后代不负有责任,“靠着这药,他们的责任一夜之间就被免除了”。
Another unexpected effect is mentioned in the article "How the feminists saved marriage" by Sam Schulman. The feminism led to the sexua
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