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世界霸权与印度洋(1) ─
世界霸权与印度洋(2) ─

时间:2009-7-24 13:57:37  来源:不详

[摘 要] 20世纪六七十年代, 美国社会矛盾与冲突加剧, 美国的 “统一的价值体系” 处于崩溃的边缘。新社会史应运而生,向长期统治美国史学界的“统一性”发起冲击。新社会史家强调多文化的美国中各社会集团的特殊性,特别是族群特性。他们反对精英垄断的政治历史,努力建立以“普通人的日常生活”构成的“自下而上的历史”。新社会史学在史学目的、理论、方等方面作出了重要贡献,但也出现很多偏差。特别是对多元文化、多族群特性的过分强调,使历史学传承美利坚民族文化精华、强化民族共同价值观、加强民族凝聚力的重要功能受到巨大损害。

[关键词]多元文化 统一性 特殊性 “自下而上”  “普通人的日常生活” 族群性

Abstract: During the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, there had been increasingly serious social contradictions and conflicts in the United States, American “universal values” were at the edge of collapsing. It was at this historical moment that New Social History arose. It challenged “universalism” which had long been dominating American historiography, and emphasized “particularism”, especially ethnicity, existing among various social groups in a multi-cultural United States of America. The historians of this school criticized political history monopolized by the elites, and put great efforts in building up a history of “from the bottom up” based on “everyday life of ordinary people.” On the one hand, in terms of purpose, theory, and methodology, the New Social History made considerable contributions to American historiography. While on the other, it had many shortcomings. Its over-stressed “multi-culture and multi-ethnicity” of the American society greatly neutralized some fundamental functions of historical writing, such as transmitting national cultural essences, consolidating a united national value, as well as strengthening national coherence.

Key Words: multi-culture universalism particularism

“from the bottom up” “everyday life of ordinary people” ethnicity

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