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时间:2012-12-7 19:58:30  来源:不详

[摘要]比较文学与外国文学的学科合并带来了许多问题,其中最为突出的是关于学科范围的纷争。本文引入释义学视角试图 解决这一问题,并进一步对比较文学学科方法与研究程式进行探讨。哲学释义学认为一切阐释都是从前结构出发,是基于前结构的 创造活动。本文指出由于传统的变迁,当下中国人的思维方式发生了重大变化,中国人研究外国文学并不一定就是文化交流,这构成 了比较文学与外国文学分野的基础。在面对他者本文时,调动他者文化对他者本文进行阐释属于外国文学研究;而充分调动前结构 中的传统文化阐释他者本文,从而跨入阐释学的横向地带,在问答逻辑中达到视域融合是比较文学的学科特征.

   Abstract:The combination of Comparative Literature and Foreign Literature as one discipline has brought many problems, among which one of the most protruding one is the dispute of the boundary between the two. In a hermeneutic perspective, this paper attempts to make clear of the boundary in dispute and make a further study of the discipline method and paradigm of Comparative Literature. Philosophical hermeneutics holds the view that all hermeneutic activities that start from fore-structure of human beings are creative in essence. The author points out that because of the changes of the traditional culture, the thinking way of Chinese at present has also changed greatly. Therefore, the study of foreign literature of Chinese is not necessarily cultural exchanges. This point consti- tutes the foundation of the distinction of Comparative Literature and Foreign Literature. In the face of Other’s text, to interpret it by drawing the fore-struc- ture of Other’s culture belongs to the study of Foreign Literature; while to interpret it by drawing traditional culture and step into hermeneutic horizontal area and reach horizon fusion in the log

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