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郭齐勇 ·〖先秦儒学关
郭齐家 ·〖弘扬中华文

时间:2013-03-21 21:57:39  来源:不详


提要:先秦儒墨两家同源,在诸多问题上又有着严重分歧并展开辩论。两家都肯定孝敬父母;墨家直接从“互利互惠”“回报”的向度讲“孝”,儒家则不然;“孝”在墨家是“兼爱”系统中的一环,在儒家则是“仁爱”系统中的一环。墨家批判儒家主张的厚葬久丧对社会生产与人的生活造成损害,浪费资源。儒家则从人的真情实感与人文价值出发,认为在制度上规定守丧的仪节规范,有助于人性、人情的养育与社会风气的淳化。墨家主张“爱无差等”,批判社会不公及爱的不周遍;儒家则主张“爱有差等”,意即爱人爱物总是要从身边做起,推而广之。仁爱是普遍的,仁爱的实行与推广是具体的普遍。“爱有差等”是一种实践性的美德、智慧。墨家对于儒家及其流俗与流弊的批判,对于完善儒家学说[注: 以孔子为代表的儒家学说,在汉武帝当政之前,只是各种学说中的一种,而且不为官方所看重。笔者不是胡说,请看史书所记:[汉书.武帝纪]建元元年冬十月,]适成一种补充。
The Differences and Debate between Confucians and Mohists on the Topics of “Filial Piety”, “ Three Years Mourning” and “Love”
Abstract: Although Pre-Qin Confucians and Mohists can be traced back to the same source, they had great divergences on many issues and started debate on them. Both schools had regarded showing piety to parents as positive. While Mohists proceeded piety from the perspective of “mutual benefit” and “reward”, Confucians did not. “Filial piety” according to Mohists is a link in the system of “concurrent love”, whereas according to Confucians it is a connection in the system of “benevolence”. Mohists criticized Confucians for their practice of luxurious burial and long period of mourning, which they thought had caused great harm to social production and people’s life and had wasted social resources. Starting from the perspective of

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