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郭齐勇 ·〖先秦儒学关
郭齐家 ·〖弘扬中华文

时间:2011-03-13 16:16:03  来源:不详


The Differences and Debate between Confucians and Mohists on the Topics of “Filial Piety”, “ Three Years Mourning” and “Love”
Abstract: Although Pre-Qin Confucians and Mohists can be traced back to the same source, they had great divergences on many issues and started debate on them. Both schools had regarded showing piety to parents as positive. While Mohists proceeded piety from the perspective of “mutual benefit” and “reward”, Confucians did not. “Filial piety” according to Mohists is a link in the system of “concurrent love”, whereas according to Confucians it is a connection in the system of “benevolence”. Mohists criticized Confucians for their practice of luxurious burial and long period of mourning, which they thought had caused great harm to social production and people’s life and had wasted social resources. Starting from the perspective of a person’s true sentiment and humane value, Confucians thought that the institutional practice of ab

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