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时间:2013-01-23 12:07:04  来源:不详

摘要: 以元好问[注: 元好问(1190—1257),字裕之,号遗山,世称遗山先生。汉族,山西秀容人。兴定进士,历任内乡令、南阳令、尚书省掾、左司都事、行尚书省左司员外郎,金亡不仕。]为代表的金代乐府诗, 是乐府诗史上值得注意的一座艺术高标。这一时期的乐府诗, 虽然具有两宋乐府诗的某些因子成份, 但重要的却是 以唐人为旨归后的一种成果展示。金代诗人之于乐府诗的创作, 不仅继承了杜甫忧黎元、白居易 补时阙的创作宗旨, 推出了一批具有鲜明时代特征、闪耀着现实主义光芒的新乐府诗, 并且还以对歌行类乐府的雅好, 而使得七言歌行在当时成为了一种创作时尚。两宋乐府因与音乐脱离了关系, 而为一种仅供人们阅读的案头文学, 金代乐府诗则使这种案头文学又回归到了 原生态时期, 即其大都可配乐而唱。这种回归, 显然是乐府诗史上的一种进步。
关键词: 元好问; 金代乐府; 时代特征; 艺术高标;

On YUAN Hao- wen and Ancient Chinese Poem s of Jin Dynasty

Abstrac :t Anc ient Ch inese poems in Jin dynasty, w ith YUAN H ao- w en be ing the representative poe,t form a ta ll artistic tow er that deserves attention. Anc ient Ch inese poem s in such a period, though having in them ce rtain fac tors o f poem s during the Northern and Southern Song period, are a d isplay o f ach ievem ents that attach mi po rtance to peop le in the Tang dynasty. Poe ts in Jin dynasty in the ir creation o f fo lk songs and ba llads carried forw ard the ami s o f " sorrow over the people" by DU Fu and "m ending fau lts of the tmi e" by BA I Ju- y,i bring ing about a greatm any o f new folk songs and ba llads be ing distinctive ly characteristic o f tmi es, spark lingw ith the radiance of realism, and the ir favourite for poem s o fG e and X ing types m akes the seven- character- a- line poem s very fashionab le at the tmi e. Poem s during the Northern and Southern Song pe riod w ere departed from music and becam e a type of literature for reading a t the des

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