Mary Wollstonecraft, but developed her line of thinking independently, as demonstrated by her essay “On the Equality of Sexes,” written in 1779 and finally published in 1790 in a Massachusetts magazine. “I expect to see our young women forming a new era in female history.” Murray predicted. Federalists listened to such opinions with horror. “Women of masculine minds,” one Boston minister sneered,”have generally masculine manners.”
她受到英国女权主义者玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特的强烈影响[注: 影响(之一)yǐngxiǎng【work in concert with;support by coordinated action】∶呼应;策应内外影响,同恶相成。],但独立发展了自己的思路。她在1779年写的、最后于1791年发表在麻省一家杂志上的论文《论性别平等》,表达了自己的思想。默里预言:“我期待我们的年轻妇女在妇女史[注: 女史[宫廷妇女],女史[星官]]上创造一个新时代”。听到这样的观点,联邦主义者感到惊愕。一位波士顿牧师说:“具有男人头脑的女人,一般具有男人的行事风格”。
There seemed to be general agreement among all parties, however, that the time had come for better-educated and better-informed women. Republican institutions of self-government were widely thought to depend upon the wisdom and self-discipline of the American people.
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