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第6课 雅典城邦的民主*
第6课 雅典城邦的民主*
第六课 雅典城邦的民主

时间:2009-7-24 13:57:38  来源:不详

    【内容提要】公前5世纪后期,雅典人从经济、政治、军事、律、 宗教诸方面强化对广大属国人民的统治,几乎完全剥夺了各属国的主权,雅典帝国是雅典人的国家,不是主权国家联盟。雅典帝国的形成标志着雅典国家的发展进入了一个新阶段;雅典帝国的形成,是雅典人征服、奴役异邦人的结果,是雅典奴隶制发展的具体表现,是伯里克里时代经济繁荣、政局稳定、文化昌盛的历史前提。雅典帝国的形成和瓦解, 是公元前5世纪中后期东地中海及周边地区国际关系史上的一件大事。在充分肯定雅典乃至希腊历史上的积极作用的同时,丝毫不应忽视它的另一面,即雅典帝国的富足和强大也是建立在征服、奴役甚至屠杀异邦人的基础之上的。

  【英文摘要】a great number of irrefutable facts proved that  theathenians strengthened the government of the masses of thenumerous vassel states from the aspects of economy, politics,militiary,law,religion and so on during the late 5th centuryb.c.,even to the extent to almost deprive of the sovereigntyof these states. the athenian empire was not the allianceof sovereign states, but the state of the athenians. theestablishment of the empire marked an advanced period in thedevelopment of the athenian state. it was not only the resultof the athenians conquering and enslaving the non- atheniansbut the embodiment of the growth of athenian slave- owningsystem as well as the historical presupposition of thepericlean age with flourishing economy,  stable politicalsituation and prosperous culture. the formation and collapseof the athenian empire was a great event in the history ofinternational relations between the mediterranean and thearound countries in the mid and later period of 5th century b.c..in spite of regarding the athenian empire's influence onthe history of athen and even of greece as positive,  weshould not neglect the the other aspect in the   slightest,namely,the abundance and powerfulness of the athenian empire were based on the conquering, enslaving and slaughtering thenon-

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