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时间:2009-7-24 13:44:23  来源:不详

  摘 要: 西汉平帝始二年曾有“罢安定呼池苑,以为安民县”之举。关于呼池苑地望,颜师古注以为是“中山之安定”。根据相关史料记载综合分析,安民县即呼池苑在安定郡,具体地望当在泾水支流古氵内水(今黑河)源头所在的甘肃华亭县一带。颜注显误。“呼池苑”一名因何而来,历来无解。出土于古要册湫的战国时期王诅楚王的“亚驼文”之“亚驼”,人董以为读作“池”(滹沱);裘锡圭先生进一步考定“池”(滹沱)乃“亚驼文”所告之水神。考之史乘方志,发源于今华亭县的泾水支流黑河古称氵内水,该河又称滹沱河,呼池苑即因此河而来。“亚驼文”所告之水神虽然是古氵内水即滹沱河,但告神之地却不在古氵内水即今黑河,而在同属泾水水系又河口非常接近的泾水支流的支党河,该河发源于古要册湫即今正宁县湫头乡一带。古要册湫宋时曾以“灵异”著称,亦可证其在先秦时是与朝那湫并列的秦人“诅楚”告神之地。

  关键词: 亚驼文; 呼池苑; 华亭县; 滹沱河; 要册湫

  Abstract: As regards the naming of the Huchi Park, Yan Shigu believed in his notes that it ought to be “the county of Anding in Zhongshan state”. According to a comprehensive analysis of relative historical records, Yan was obviously wrong for what we know as the Huchi Park was actually the county of Anming, located around the county of Huating, Gansu province, at the source of the Heihe River, namely the Nashui River in ancient times, a tribute of the Jinghe River. As for the origin of the Huchi Park, according to related historical records and local chronicles, the name came from the Heihe River originated from the county of Huating as a tribute of the Jinghe River, usually called the Nahe River and also the Hutuo River in ancient times. The god of water addressed in “the elegiac address at Yatuo” was contributed at the Nashui River, that is, the Hutuo River, but his shrine was not there but the whole of reaches of the Jinghe River. This is because the mouth of the Nahe River was very close to the Zhidang River, another tribute of the Jinghe River, which originated from around the Qiutou village of Zhengning county, called Yaoceqiu in ancient times. Yaoceqiu and Chaonaqiu were the two holy places which the state of Qin “imprecated

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