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八卦  生命  自然(上)
八卦  生命  自然(下)

时间:2009-8-8 16:56:54  来源:不详
his devotion to intellectual cultivation. This failed, he turns to theological learning and there again he is frustrated. At the same time his pursuit of free love also ends in defeat. An idealist rebelling against the overwhelming power of customs, conventions and social prejudices, Jude is doomed to a tragic ending.
Hardy`s presenting tragedy is caused by the dynamic and destructive tensions between character and environment. At the same time, it offers sharp and profound social messages. His deep insight into human nature and the dynamics between character and Nature, “gives his novels significance and a range of reference wider than that of a particular time and place.”[25]
Hardy`s men and women in these novels, worthy as they are, are destroyed by the combined forces of character and environment (both social and natural). “His fictional world is a reflection of his vision of the tragicalness of human existence.”[26] By the heroes and heroines` tragedies presented in those above novels, Hardy passes a message that man is part of Nature, and only when man live in harmony with Nature, can their aspirations be achieved! Otherwise, it would only be a tragic ending.

4. Conclusion

To sum up, we can find that the description of Nature by Hardy plays at least the following roles in his novels. Firstly, it helps the development of the plots. It foils the atmosphere of the plots, gives readers the hints of the characters` minds, and at the same time, it improves the vividness of the story and artistic charm, but not only as the setting of the story. Secondly, the charm of Nature by Hardy is due to its melting with the characters: Nature here owns the feeling of the characters, and is always interwoven with their activities and fate. The literature aims at presenting the characters. This is also where the readers` interest lies in. The description of Nature by the writer gets its meaning by the characters` taking part in (activities), and so own a social meaning. Finally, in our own age, when people have begun to think seriously about our alienation from Nature and its consequences, Hardy comes over as one who wanted to protect and preserve Nature. Through presenting the characters` life in the natural environment, he gives us a message that human should live in harmony with Nature, and it is only by so, can man achieve his\her aspirations. The relationship between Nature and human beings is an eternal theme to our mankind. 


[1] Merryn Williams, A Preface to Hardy [M]. Peking: Peking University Press, 2005. P89
[2] Thomas Hardy, The Return of the Native [M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1994. P175
[3] Elizabeth R. Nelson, ed. Far from the Madding Crowd [Z]. NY: Simon &. Schuster, 1982. P133
[4] 常耀信. A Survey of English Literature [M]. 天津: 南开大学出版社, 2006. P287
[5] 同[2] P6
[6] 同[2] P168
[7] 同[2] P168—169
[8] Shouhua Qi &. William. W. Morgan, Voices in Tragic Harmony—Essays on Thomas Hardy`s Fiction &. Poetry [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001. P47
[9] 同[2] P4
[10] Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of the Casterbridge [M].   北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1994. Pxxiv
[11] Dale Kramer, ed. Penny Boumelha, The patriarchy of class [A], The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy [C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1999. P131—132
[12] 同[3] P30
[13] 何莲珍. 编译. 景物描写精萃[Z].   上海: 世界图书出版公司, 1914. P116
[14] Alastair Fowler, A History of English Literature [M].  Boston: Harvard University Press, 1987. P312
[15] Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d`Urbervilles [M].  Qingdao: Qingdao Press, 2005. P152--153
[16] 同[15] P135
[17] Dale Kramer, ed. Jakob Lothe, Variants on genre [A]. The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy [C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1999. P126
[18] 同[15] P87—88
[19] 同[13] P32--P34
[20] 同[1] P95
[21] 同[1] P97
[22] 曾令富. 哈代小说中的自然环境描写[J]. 四川教育学院学报, 2002, 7.  P22
[23] 同[8] P49
[24] Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure [M].   北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,1991. Pxxvi
[25] 同[8] P86—87
[26] 同[8] P85

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