【摘 要】世界观反映了人们对世界的整体看法,同时也深深的影响到人们特有的认知模式、价值取向、交际方式及社会生活等方面。本文试从中西方世界观的哲学根源入手,阐述了中国古代天人合一以及古希腊天人相分思想对中西方认知模式、价值取向及交际方式、社会生活的影响。通过探究中西迥异的文化与交际模式背后的哲学根源,从而为中国跨文化交际学的研究提供一条新思路。
【关键词】世界观 文化交际模式
【Abstract】Worldview reflects the people’s views of the world as a whole, but also deeply affects people’s unique cognitive models, value orientations, communication patterns, and social lives and so on. From the perspective of philosophical root of both Chinese world outlook and Western world outlook, this paper is devoted to tentative study on the ancient Chinese thought of “the unity of Heaven and Man” and the ancient Greek belief of “the distinctiveness of Heaven and Man”, and furthermore, explores tremendous influence of those distinctive thoughts on their separate cognitive models, value orientations, communication patterns, and social lives. Through exploration of philosophical root of different cultures and communicative patterns, the article is significant in that it provides enlightening insight to the research of Cross-cultural
Communication in China.
【Key words】Worldview Cultures Communicative patterns
一、引 言
贾玉新在《跨文化交际学》中指出:“世界观的问题涉及到人们如何认识宇宙,自然,以及如何看待人与自然的关系等。这一问题和价值观紧密相关,并对人们的思维方式,社会行为起到同样的支配作用。 ”[1]总的来说,在世界观方面,东西方存在着明显的差异。古希腊哲学家,如柏拉图、亚里士多德、笛卡尔、黑格尔都认为世界是由相互对立、独立的两部分组成。而古代中国哲学家,以老子为代表,早在《道德经》中便提出了“天人合一”的思想。
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