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时间:2009-7-24 13:45:35  来源:不详

    内容摘要: 巴夏礼事件是第二次鸦片战争即将结束之际的一起突发事件。通州谈判中扣押巴夏礼等39人的决定,不仅有咸丰皇帝的谕旨,更在于具体办理交涉时载垣和僧格林沁两人的不谋而合。从扣押人质到解决这一事件,历时仅一月有余,却几成当时中外交涉之焦点。政府在此中步步后发,谈判中不仅失去人质和战略上的依托,更最终导致了火烧圆园惨剧的发生。这一外交失败,以惨痛的名园劫难向我们证明了传统封建国家外交的穷途末路。可见,对当时的中国来说,外交近代化已确实是一个迫在眉睫的重大课题。

    关键词: 巴夏礼事件  火烧圆明园  奕訢  近代外交
    Abstract: The Harry Parkes event is a sudden incident which happened in the time that the second Opium War soon finished. The decision of detaining Harry Parkes and so on 39 person which made in Tongzhou negotiation, not only has the purport of Xianfeng emperor, lies in the same view without previous consultation betweent Yixin and Senggelinqin when handling negotiation even more. From detaining the hostages to solving this event, go through time only more than one month, but nearly become the focus that China and foreign countries carried on negotiations at that time. The Qing government responded slowly, in the negotiations not only losed backing on the hostage and strategy, finally caused to the tragedy of burning down the Old Summer Palace. This diplomatic failures, has proved the coming dead-end of feudal national diplomacy of the tradition to us by the deeply grieved famous garden disaster. Obviously, for China at that time, the diplomatic modernization has really been an extremely urgent subject.

    Key word: the Harry Parkes Event   burn down the Old Summer Palace  Yixin   modern times diplomacy


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