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时间:2009-7-24 13:44:46  来源:不详

摘要 英国杰出的生物化学家、研究中国科学文化史的权威和中国人民的忠实朋友李约瑟(1900—1995)博士最近逝世。他的逝世对中国和中国人民而言是个重大损失,我们因此感到悲伤。该文介绍他一生各阶段的活动和工作以及他对发展生物化学、中国科学史和中英友好事业的贡献。特别讨论了他从三十年代以来对中国文化的皈依过程和他的巨著《中国科学技术史》的意义。我们还指出,李博士的形象和精神为我们提供一个现成的学习榜样。李约瑟思想是科学史领域中的宝贵理论财富。最后,作者谈到过去二十多年来与李博士个人交往中所得到的感受。

        关键词 李约瑟,中国,《中国科学技术史》

     Abstract Dr.Joseph Needham(1900—1995),an outstanding British bi-ochemist,authority in the research field of the history of scientif-ic culture in China and faithful friend of the Chinese people,had l-eft us recently.His death is a great loss to China and the Chinese People,and thus makes us very sorrowful.Here an account is given ab-out the activities and work of every period of his life and his con-tributions to the development of biochemistry,to the history of sci-ence and technology in China and to the cause of Sino-British frien-dship.The process of his conversion to the Chinese civilisation sin-ce 1930s and the important significance of his monumental work Scie-nce and Civilisation in China are especially discussed here.We point out that Needhams image and spirit provieded us a ready-made exam-ple which is worth learning.Needham Thought is a valuable theoritic-al wealth in the field of the history of science.Lastly,the author t-alks about his feeling obtained from his private association with D-r.Needham during past more than 20 years.

     Key words Joseph Needham,China,Science and Civilisation in China

1995年3月24日晚8时55分,在剑桥大学校园区内一位当代伟人的心脏停止了跳动。闻名全球的英国杰出生物化学家、研究中国科学文化史的权威、中国人民的忠实朋友李约瑟博士,怀着对中国眷念的深情离开了我们。几个月前,他曾经来信说,他近来身体欠佳,患了“帕金森氏病”(Parkinson’s disease)即震颤性麻痹,而且已经说不出话了。从他签名可以看出写得比过去吃力,将有的字母堆写在一起。剑桥传来的消息也说,李约瑟在世的日子恐怕不多了。虽然大家事先已有了思想准备,但他的突然过世不仅在英国,而且在中国和世界其他地区仍然引起悲伤,因为他受到大家的敬爱,知己遍天下。他太热爱中国了,3月23日还让人朗读有关中国的资料[(1)]。他虽已说

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