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罗荣辉:教材 《古罗马

时间:2012-2-13 22:10:40  来源:人教网(www.pep.com.cn)
o new regions and among new populations, and the spread of American food crops to Europe, Africa, and Asia.


伟大的欧洲发现影响[注: 影响(之一)yǐngxiǎng【work in concert with;support by coordinated action】∶呼应;策应内外影响,同恶相成。]深远,它改变了每个人的世界观,改变了对人类各主要分支之间关系的普遍概念。但是,除了这些意识上的变化外,还有当代人基本或完全不了解的新的交往模式引起的三个世界性和根本性的重要后果。它们就是所谓的价格革命;疾病向新地区在新人口内部的传播;美洲粮食作物向欧洲、非洲和亚洲的传播。



The Price Revolution

The supply of American silver was so large that the supply of goods that might be bought with coins of silver could not keep up. The result was a rapid rise in prices. More and more silver was needed to buy the same amount of useful goods. Naturally enough, the price revolution was felt first and most strongly in Spain. The price roses by about 400 percent in a century. In other parts of Europe increases may have been a little less, and they came more slowly. But no part of the European world escaped the effect, since a sharp rise in prices in one market attracted goods from other markets, where prices promptly rose, until some sort of rough balance could be established once more. The effect was not limited to Europe, but spread to the O

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