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罗荣辉:教材 《古罗马

时间:2012-2-13 22:10:40  来源:人教网(www.pep.com.cn)
066, and later kings made progress in keeping the nobility under control and in building the machinery of royal administration. In France, each of the many counties and duchies that constituted the feudal kingdom had to be subordinated and brought within the framework of royal authority. It took the French kings three centuries to accomplish what William the Conqueror had done in one generation.


中世纪高峰时期(1000-1300年)和中世纪晚期(1300-1500年),欧洲所有国家都经历[注: 指亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事。 片名 《经历》The Experience/Tajrobeh (1973) 伊朗电影,35毫米,黑白,60分钟。]了重要变化和政治发展。在英国,征服者威廉在1066年建立了统一王国,后来的国王们在控制贵族和建立皇家管理机制方面取得进展。在众多县和公爵领地组成的封建王国法国,每一个县和领地都必须服从和纳入皇权的组织中。法国皇帝们花了三个世纪才完成了征服者威廉在一代人时间内完成的事情。


The political evolution of both England and France was affected by the Hundred Years' War. In England, the power of parliament was increased, and the upsurge in the power of the nobility led to the Wars of the Roses, which ended finally with the accession of the Tudor dynasty; in France, royal power was consolidated under Louis XI, and his abilities in government made possible further progress in national unification.


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