两宋东南沿海地区海洋发展路向论略 |
时间:2009-7-24 13:51:48 来源:不详
【英文标题】A Discussion about the Developing Tendency towards the Southeast Foreland in the Song Dynasty 【内容提要】本文从我国古代社会的发展路向入手,认为汉唐时期头枕“三河”、面向草原,运行在大陆帝国的轨道上,而两宋时期经济重心南移,商品经济发展,海外贸易兴盛,至少在东南沿海地区出现了海洋发展路向,这是我国传统社会演进轨迹的重大转折。
【英文摘要】This thesis indicates the developing tendency in ancient times of China.In the author’s point of view,China,based on the central mainland and faced to the steppe,was circulating in the orbit of mainland empire from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty.With the economic center moving south,the development of the merchandise economy and the overseas trade prosperous,the developing tendency towards the ocean had appeared at least in the southeast foreland area in the song Dynasty.This is an important turning point in the development of China’s traditional society.
【关 键 词】宋代/东南沿海/海洋发展路向 southeast area/the Song Dynasty/ocean developing tendency 【 正 文】 一、头枕“三河”、面向草原与头枕江南、面向海洋:发端于唐宋之际的经济发展路向的重大转折 宋代经济在我国古代经济发展的历程中,可以说已开始发生质的变化。所谓“质的变化”,窃以为可从两个方面理解:一是经济重心从黄河流域南移至长江流域;一是商品经济亦即市场经济(包括海外市场)的蓬勃发展。这两件事其实是互相关联的,我在拙著《中国经济通史》[1](P838-839)第五卷中说过: 我国古代经济重心在11世纪后半叶完成其南移过程,[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 下一页 |