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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:54  来源:不详
ays going-singing, laughing and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wick ship she was.” [16] She loves freedom, not constrained by the oppressive forces. She is a strong-minded, domineering girl. Just before his death, old Earnshaw’s only worry is, “Cathy, why can’t you be a good girl?” What kind of girl does her father want to be? He wants her to be an angelic girl—a gentle, obedient daughter. At this the rebellious Catherine mocks, “Why can’t you be a good father?” Emily here implies it is not “I” that “am not a good girl”, but “you”, Mr. Earnshaw, the authority of Wuthering Heights that is not a good father. “you”, the father should not confine “me” to the household and try to shape “me” more freedom, allow “me” to show “my” true nature, to do “singing and going”.[17] After the death of Mr. Earnshaw, she is ill-treated by her brother, Hindley, without getting a little warmth of the family. She is often punished standing at the cover of wall and is not allowed to eat. She is not allowed to be with Heathcliff. Yet the more he oppresses, the more eagerly she would rebel. Her nature calls her to grow up as rude as savage in order to live a free life. For Catherine and Heathcliff, it is one of the chief amusement to run away in the moors in the morning and remain her all day”.
Emily Brontë lives in the village of Haworth; she is influenced by the people there, who are blunt, stubborn, vigorous, rude, harsh and brutal. “Hear all, see all and say nothing. Eat all, drink all and play nothing.”[18] This is the Yorkshire creed that embodies deeply in its people’s soul. It is these moors that exalt the spirit of Emily Brontë and shapes her stubborn character. She looks motionless in her appearance but her inner world is sensitive and unyielding. She is a girl of few words, and she is apt to be gloomy, depressed, inwardly angry and stubborn because of her introverted personality. Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn Caskell writes in Life of Charlotte Brontë: “Once her favourite dog broke the pastor housing rules and slept on the bed, and she was angry and bit the dog with naked fists.” [19] Just as Charlotte says in her letters: “ The unyielding charm and plain personality join together in Emily. Her innocent feelings and openhearted attitude hide the determined character and ranging flames, which is enough to encourage heroes and boil their blood.”[20] Emily Brontë transfers her true nature to Catherine, especially her extraordinarily rebellious personality.
2.2 Personalities
 From Emily Brontë, we can see the shadow of Catherine who is brave, strongwilled and more important, rebellious.
Although Catherine was born in a noble family, yet she falls in love with Heathcliff without any fear. Heathcliff is a waif picked up by Mr. Earnshaw. He is a dark-skinned gipsy, “as dark almost as if came from the devil”. [21] He is not welcome in Wuthering Heights even the maid Helly hates him. But Catherine shows happiness and sympathy with him and they played innocently together. “She was much too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got childed more than any of us on his account.” [22] Says Nelly. She loves Heathcliff heartily, to her, Heathcliff is innermost herself. When we talk about Catherine’s love betrayal to Heathcliff, we can’t condemn her any way. She knows it is false to marry Edgar: “ In whichever place the soul lives. In my soul and in my heart, I’m convinced I’m wrong!” [23] She devotes all her painstaking efforts into her love to Heathcliff. It is not Edgar is “handsome, pleasant to be with”, “young and cheerful” [24] that she marries him, but she says if she marries Linton, she can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of her brother’s power. She knows her love for Edgar will change, while her love for Heathcliff will remain firm, which she acknowledges from her heart:
“ My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff’s miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be, and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stronger. I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath—a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff!” [25] Heathcliff is part of her, representing her innermost self, yearning for freedom. By choosing Edgar for her husband and rushing into the arms of the Grange, Catherine sacrifices her true love. In Grange she suffers a lot, she “has been concerted, at a stroke, into Mrs. Linton, the lady of the Grange, and the wife of a stranger; an exile, an outcast, therefore, from what had been my world. You may fancy a glimpse of the

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