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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:54  来源:不详
ne as his life and soul, when Catherine is dying, he cries: “ I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul.” [41] And even she dies, he cobs to the window, “Come in! Come in! Cathy, do come. Oh, do – once more! Oh, my heart’s darling! Hear me this time, Catherine, at last!” [42] A person as he is, Heathcliff has to bear between love and hatred, and because of the depth of his passion, he hates as deeply as he loves. Second, their hatred makes one’s hair stand on end: when she is told that her rival in love died, Medea says to the information deliver, “Don’t be hasty, my friend, tell me how they died. If they died miserably, you can double my joy.” [43] Heathcliff goes even further than Medea. Hareton is brought up by him, he just wants to see “if one tree won’t grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it”. [44] When Hareton becomes a rough and muddle-headed fellow full dirty words, he speaks out his great pleasure without any reservation: just as Medea, Heathcliff felt no guilty. They love fiercely and hate vigorously. What’s more, the properties of love and hatred of Medea and Heathcliff are resembled. The hatred to their enemies and innocent is from love; it is the alienation of love. It is the frustrated love that spurs them to commit atrocities. They are unable to hold back their animosity to those who betray them, just as a madman cannot be responsible for what he has done. Heathcliff is distorted to be a ghoul, a vampire, and Medea is the murder of her own sons, all of which are because of their lovers’ betrayal.
In short, the creation model of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is Medea, the heroine of Greek myth Medea. Love and hatred—two poles of human being have been portrayed in Medea and Heathcliff to the full. Reading their stories, one will not hate Medea and Heathcliff any more, in contrast, feel sympathy with them. Mr. Fang Ping ever said: “love is the blue flame, pure and beautiful; ‘hatred’ is the red flame that is giving off black smoke.”[45] That is to say, the hatred here is not real hatred, it is the alienation of love; malice originates the frustrated love, which is recognized in psychology. Based on comparing the two revengers, Medea and Healthcliff, their commitments are reasonable to some extent, and their distorted characters can be further understood.

4. Hindley Earnshaw and Emily Brontë’s brother Branwell
Hindley is jealous to Heathcliff because he is deprived love from his father, and Mr. Earnshaw “took to Heathcliff strangely, believing all he said and petting him up far above Cathy.” [46] After the old man dies, he beats Heathcliff to the lowest of the world, and destroys and torments him. He becomes a tyrant. “He drove him from their company to the servants, deprived him of the instruction of the curate (their teacher), and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead, compelling him to do so as hard as any hand on the farm.” [47] But the result he gains is not good. He degenerated at last and even his old servant looks down upon him.
As to Hinley’s tragedy, many critics comment that it results from Heathcliff’s revenge. In fact, he becomes depressed and dispirited after his wife’s death. “He became more and more desperate. His grief cannot be cured by crying out. In fact, he never cries or prays but curses and resists—he harbours a bitter hatred for God and for human beings, so he indulges in drinking and lives a loose life unscrupulously.” [48] It is obvious that he creates the tragedy with his own hands. The tragedy roots from the accidental lost of love. As the saying goes: “Love is the whole life for women, but only a small part for man.” It may suit to most of people but Hindley is an exception. In his own world, there are only two persons, his wife and himself, losing her, he always drinks as a lord, and he is willing to send his heat to perdition, even he lacks of the minimum responsibility—raising little son. There is no sunshine in his life, only the hatred to Heathcliff, and the meaning of his rest life is to take back what he lost. Living in the decadent and dark house, there is nothing left but hatred in his heart, even his own son is hostile to him and loves and believes his enemy.
Emily endows Hindley with a grey tragedy. In fact, Hindley is the model of Emily’s brother, Branwell. The man who is placed great hopes by his families but lets everyone disappointed at last. He is smooth in his life, he always abandons himself, yet there is still a hope of saving himself, that is, the love in his heart—he falls in love with Mrs. Robinson, the rich mother of his pupil. For months this lady has spoken kindly to Branwell, walks with him in garden, talks to him alone in the evenings. He thinks she loves him and would marry him. But when the cruel and ugly reality lays on his hand—he is driven away from Mrs. Robinson’s house, he feels desperate, because he thinks the unique love in his heart is broken. He become

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