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时间:2009-8-8 16:56:54  来源:不详
s worse and worse, spending more and more time drinking, and taking laudanum and walking alone on the moors and then dies soon. His death should be the spiritual way out to Brontë sisters, but they think: “The error and guilt have been forgotten, only the pity and grieve occupy our heart.”[49] So when we discuss the original tragedy of Hindley, the creation model of Branwell can be found easily.
Branwell is the only son of Brontë family so he is pampered by his father and sisters; meanwhile he becomes imperious and easy to lose tempers. It is the same to Hindley. He is also the only son of old Earnshaw and he becomes the new master of Wuthering Heights. He can revile anybody at will and bring pains and disaster to his family. They also experience losing true love and become degenerated, drown their sorrows in liquor, and suffer the same destiny: die in youthful years.
Emily loves his brother very much. She devotes her youth to her bad-behaved but unfortunate brother. We can reasonably believe that his resisting love to Mrs. Robinson carves in her heart so inveterately that she realizes that desperate love can destroy man to death. Brawnwell’s intensive grief, hysterical crying and desperation provide Emily a vivid model. Only she witnesses her brother’s suffering and grief in love can she create a vivid Hindley. Hindley’s drowning this sorrow in liquor, deep love in his wife Frances is well represented in her novel.
Emily Brontë finds the models of heroes and heroines from her actual life and Greek myth she ever read. The figures in Wuthering Heights are always with gloomy faces, distorted souls and abnormal personality. Degeneration, painful struggling and revenge are their containment of life. They live in a hell on earth, where people detest each other and no worldly love and warmth among them, all of which have their literary archetypes.
5. Conclusion
Emily Brontë is regarded as one of the most representative writers out of the mainstream of the novels in the 19th century. On one hand, the archetype of literature plays a significant part on the creation of typical characters in Wuthering Heights. Greek myth and drama is one of literature archetypes, which is close to the real world. As Jung says: “The typical environment determines the archetypes of literature. When the environment to a given archetype reappearances, the archetype will activate.” [50] On the other hand, Emily Brontë’s living conditions and experiences as well as her individuality help her to create the main characters. The primitive environment can arouse attraction easily, so the nature’s savagery and wilderness provides her with a typical stage to shape the personalities of the characters. In addition, her boundless imagination and realistic depiction serve better for the portrayal of the characters. In brief, Emily Brontë successfully utilizes the techniques of expression models from real life and myth to portray some very perfect artistic figures, which makes the characters more typical and the plot more complicated and vivid, offering more aftertaste to readers.  

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[43] 欧里庇得斯. 悲剧六种[Z]. 罗念生译. 上海:上海人民出版社,2004: P119
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